We have all the tools you need
to start your own 5G access network revolution.
Our AbsoluteAir solution has completely redefined what’s possible in the toughest last-mile link conditions
and is ready to take care of your challenges today.

AbsoluteAir 2
Engineered for the Australian Environment

Unrivaled performance on enterprise/urban access PtP or PtMP links challenged by obstructions, interference, motion, or limited installer skill
Deterministic, resilient 400 Mbps per link
NLoS range to 2km, LoS to 10s of km
PtMP operation up to 1.2 Gbps (6 simultaneous full-rate 200 Mbps links) per POP site, all in a single 20 MHz channel
3.3-3.8 and 5.x GHz bands (TDD)
Integrated antennas, compact form factor (32x36x11cm)
Full complement of network features (CE/MEF)
Easy-to-use web interface for unit setup, alignment, performance monitoring, and management
ACMA Responsible Supplier Number: E6074

"NLOS fixed radio backhaul and access solutions have allowed Anycast Networks to not only reach challenging rural locations, but extend our metro fibre footprint in dense radio environments.
The Tarana AA2 has enhanced Anycast Networks ability to blend access network technologies to deliver absolute reliability and outstanding performance.”
Tom Berryman, Executive Director, Anycast Group

The world’s first gigabit fixed wireless with
fibre quality
in unlicensed spectrum
at massive scale
Gigabit 1 (G1)
Broadband with no compromise

1.6 Gbps peak speed
10 Gbps capacity / site / 80 MHz channel (using free, unlicensed spectrum)
2,048 users / site (512 / sector)
Industry-first complete cancellation of unlicensed-band interference
3 or 5 GHz
Cellular deployment model
Suburban full-NLoS range to 2 km, rural nLoS to 30 km
Compact, integrated base node and low-cost residential node
Enhanced TR101 Broadband Forum network architecture
Comprehensive cloud suite for planning, zero-touch config, monitoring, SDN management, and support automation
Software-defined radios, enabling automated, cloud-managed performance upgrades