The Global Broadband industry currently stands at $620 USD billion per annum. An outstanding opportunity exists for the market to access this industry however it is currently being held back by a lack of available ‘High Speed’ internet access.
Horizon Wireless has been established to deliver the highest quality broadband experience to underserviced communities and markets in the Oceania Region.
We deliver custom built and designed networks exclusively utilising Tarana Wireless and other technology in our regions. Through a combination of industry knowledge, network partnerships as well as access to next-generation tech, we deliver fibre-like quality networks at a fraction of the normal infrastructure cost and deployment time.
Our services operate over worldwide approved and deployed technology and deliver broadband speeds of up to 1.6Gbps per user.
We are supporting partners as they roll out networks throughout Oceania. We welcome the opportunity to deliver broadband services to communities and markets that are currently limited to lacklustre service options, such as ADSL, satellite or outdated wireless technologies.

Horizon Wireless Pty Ltd
Email: info@horizonwireless.com.au
Tel: +612 9157 1888
For any inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: